22 research outputs found

    Ethical perspectives on advances in biogerontology

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    Worldwide populations are aging with economic development as a result of public health initiatives and advances in therapeutic discoveries. Since 1850, life expectancy has advanced by 1 year for every four. Accompanying this change is the rapid development of anti‐aging science. There are three schools of thought in the field of aging science. One perspective is the life course approach, which considers that aging is a good and natural process to be embraced as a necessary and positive aspect of life, where the aim is to improve the quality of existing lifespan and “compress” morbidity. Another view is that aging is undesirable, and that rejuvenation and indeed immortality are possible since the biological basis of aging is understood, and therefore, strategies are possible for engineering negligible senescence. Finally, a hybrid approach is that life span can be extended by anti‐aging medicines but with uncertain effects on health. While these advances offer much promise, the ethical perspectives are seldom discussed in cross‐disciplinary settings. This article discusses some of the key ethical issues arising from recent advances in biogerontology

    Gradual Economic Growth in Africa: What are the Underpinning Factors? An Empirical Analysis

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    We inquire about the forces underpinning the recent gradual economic growth in Africa. Our study covered 41 countries in Africa, cutting across the Western, Eastern, Central, Southern and Northern parts. Our study adopted the fixed effect, feasible generalized least squares (FGLS) and One Step System GMM to estimate the determinants of upsurge in the economic growth in Africa. Our results divulge that aid has no effectiveness on the economic growth of Africa. Further, the study suggests that China’s FDI to Africa and trade with Africa has helped in the economic growth of Africa. Our study also suggest that the recent improvement in the institution of Africa has contributed to the growth of Africa. Overall, the result of this study helps in recompensing the imbalance in the extant literature. Keywords: economic growth, aid, foreign direct investment, trade, institutions, Africa DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/12-22-09 Publication date:August 31st 202


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    Mechanical properties of concrete utilising waste ceramic as coarse aggregate

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    The importance of sustainability and recycling has become increasingly recognised and understood in academia and industry over the last several decades. Recycling construction and debris waste is one of many avenues that provide a great opportunity to prevent waste material from entering landfills and reduce the construction industry reliance on decreasing natural resource supplies. A coarse aggregate replacement scheme in concrete is investigated with three different waste ceramic tile materials in replacement ratios including 20%, 25%, 35%, 50%, 65%, 75%, 80% and 100%. Results show waste ceramic as a possible practicable natural coarse aggregate replacement material with minimal changes in mechanical properties

    SARS的集體遺忘.公共健康.政治.香港的未來 = Public health, politics and Hong Kong’s future

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    SARS﹐或稱「沙士」、「非典型肺炎」﹐曾經是一種讓所有人對自己的健康和處身的生活環境都產生高度恐懼和不安的「殺手」病毒﹐其所產生的社會和經濟效應﹐更一度成為香港的夢魘。但只是事隔4年﹐我們對於SARS的記憶﹐無論是死亡數字、京華酒店911號房間等相關事實﹐或者是引發出來的公共衛生、危機管理、居住環境設計、人際關係、生活態度等問題的討論﹐似乎已經開始淡忘。 我們是否患上集體遺忘症﹖還是有甚麼事情或公眾論述﹐系統地逐漸抹掉SARS遺留下來的痕跡﹐或告訴我們傷痛已過﹐大可以一起享受經濟復甦帶來的快樂和安全感﹖我們是否需要思考這四年間﹐我們的社會在公眾健康意識及政策上﹐以及對現時生活形態的反思,究竟走前了多少﹖ 公開研討會由嶺南大學文化研究系陳順馨博士主持,講者包括嶺南大學文化研究系博士研究生陳慧燕女士、香港大學比較文學系導師邱穎潔女士、嶺南大學文化研究碩士生吳蓓蒂女士,她們會從文化研究的角度,探討四方面的問題。第一是問責方面﹐特別通過陳馮富珍當選世衛組織總幹事在香港引起了怎樣的討論﹐探討香港政治問責制度與集體遺忘的關係。第二是呈現方面﹐通過對跟SARS相關的影像和文字的分析﹐探討「病」與「健康」是如何被建構的。第三是人際關係方面﹐通過反思SARS期間曾經被改寫的人際關係﹐探討記憶/遺忘的文化含義。第四是日常生活方面﹐探討今天我們是否以對食品安全、不吸一手或二手煙等的追求﹐取代對於甚麼才是健康生活的全面思考﹖這樣的趨勢除了能帶出所謂製造商機、改善經濟的效果外﹐是否忽略了越來越嚴峻的不健康地工作 (如工時越來越長) 和生活 (如污染) 的問題﹖而所謂商機,又是否更加劇貧富懸殊的問題,健康食品成為有錢人的專利、商人謀取暴利的借口? 此外,這次研討會很榮幸邀請九龍醫院醫院行政總監和九龍中醫院聯網服務總監區結成醫生,對三位講者的發言作出評論。區醫生除了貫通中西醫學外﹐還一直參與公共健康的討論﹐著有《當中醫遇上西醫》、《記得SARS這一年》等書。 相關文章 : 集體遺忘﹖-SARS與公共健康 / 吳蓓

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